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May 17, 2014

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Do not have a smartphone or any Android based phone but still you need Device ID for some purpose, well you are in luck as we have an awesome tutorial that will allow you to grab your Android Device ID using a simple emulator called "Bluestacks" So now if you think I am wasting your time then lets jump into below tutorial to see how bluestack can help you out in getting Android Device ID for free and that too easily and securely. So just make sure to follow every step mentioned below...
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May 10, 2014

Security Suggestion's from Kevin Mitnick So fasten your seatbelts and open up your brains or Notepad if you are feeling lazy and write down all these 10 security tips delivered right away from the worlds most renowned Hacker in the world Kevin Mitnick...
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Have you just messed up with some settings and you are not getting out of that problem, you are just searching for some solution on how actually you can get back to the initial stage in chrome, well now the latest chrome update brings the settings resetting button built inside chrome that you can use to reset your chrome settings to the default stage by just clicking it once...
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April 26, 2014

So you got a PDF file from your friend or the internet and you are planning to use all the images embed in that file in some other project maybe you want to Photoshop all those images and remove watermark from images and then post them back into a single PDF file, well an online tool is capable of extracting all your images from your PDF file and even combing all your images into a single PDF File...
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When ever you plug your iPhone on charging using the external charger on with any pc or laptop than you must have seen those vibrations and sounds coming from your iPhone that may distract so if you are one of those who wants to get rid of those sounds than there is a small tweak in Cydia which you can install and than you can get rid of those vibrations...
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Sorry for not updating you guys for sometimes now, just been busy with school and some persona challenges....lets get it straight. WhatsApp as you all know is an awesome messaging app that you can use to send images, text messages, voice notes and pretty much everything So now today I found another custom modded WhatsApp for Android device that has a whole new revamped interface with more amazing features to be used. So basically in this you can change pretty much everything from colors to sizes...
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January 03, 2014

So you all just love to download new songs and even get to learn what lyrics that awesome is using to express the feelings, well there are many online website's which you can use to get song lyrics but what about getting all the lyrics directly right in front of you as soon as you play any song...
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January 02, 2014

Recuva also pronounces as "Recover" a freeware utility used to recover all kind of deleted file that can be accidently gone or mistakenly deleted by you. It supports all the file that are disposed from the recycle bin or from your local hard drives. Recuva supports all the formats so your file can be anything like .mp3, .doc, .txt and any other .exe files everything can be restored using Recuva...
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People or Newbie Blogger to be more specific are engaged in this blogging profession but while starting this profession they need to have custom domain name, well obviously there are many free blogging platforms you can start with and get a blog under their sub domain name but still getting a custom domain is recommended to become a pro blogger or even have a good reputation...
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