1. Remove the flashy and annoying “Login” buttons
2. Increase the height of the comment box
3. Enable and customize the “CommentLuv” plugin for IntenseDebate

Step 1. Login to Intese Debate account.. Click on sites menu at top and select the site you want to customize layout.
Step 2. Click on Custom CSS at right side of menu bar.(see images below) and then paste code into box.

Step 3. Now Paste following css code into box and click on save settings.
.idc-postnav-label { display: none !important; }.idc-postnav-list { display: none !important; }.idc-foot { display: none !important; }#idc-container div.idc-text_noresize, #idc-container textarea.idc-text_noresize {height: 200px !important;}/*Pad and prepare new comment and reply comment boxes */#IDCommentsNewThread {position: relative !important;padding-top: 80px !important;}#IDCommentReplyForm1{position: relative !important;padding-top: 80px !important;}#IDCommentReplyDiv{position: relative !important} /*Prepare reply comment for positioning */#IDCommentReplyForm2{position: absolute !important; top: 31px !important; left: 18px !important;}#IDCommentNewThreadForm2 {position: absolute !important; top: 7px !important; left: 10px !important;width: 100% !important;}#luv_field_new {position: absolute !important;top: 10px !important;left: 0 !important;}#luv_field_reply {position: absolute !important;top: 10px !important;left: 0 !important;}#all_luv{font-weight:bold !important;} /*Bold the text for comment luv */span#mylastpost img:first-of-type { display: none !important; }
Step 4. You are done!!
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