Time for another blogger hack
guys. This time i am with the shortest blogger hack ever so i thought to
make you bore with long description as it may help my post look longer.
Anyway, i am not sure where i read this blogger hack so i have nobody to refer hence think as i discovered this blogger hack. This blogger hack is about hiding the unnecessary Subscribe to:Posts(atom)
Well, let me start with same old lines, goto Dashboard then to Layout and then to Edit HTMl and click on Expand widget templates. Now search for the following code:
Now replace that line with the following line of code below:
Now save the template, reload the page and thank me! I think now you will not see that useless line anymore.
Anyway, i am not sure where i read this blogger hack so i have nobody to refer hence think as i discovered this blogger hack. This blogger hack is about hiding the unnecessary Subscribe to:Posts(atom)
Well, let me start with same old lines, goto Dashboard then to Layout and then to Edit HTMl and click on Expand widget templates. Now search for the following code:
<div class='blog-feeds'>
Now replace that line with the following line of code below:
<div class='blog-feeds' style='display:none;'>
Now save the template, reload the page and thank me! I think now you will not see that useless line anymore.
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