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August 21, 2013

LG exec confirms new tablet, smartwatch on the way

LG New 6-inch phone also in the device pipeline.
LG plans to roll out multiple new interesting products if statements given by the company's Bulgarian communications executive Dimitar Valev are to be believed. Valev, in an interview with, confirmed that LG will be resurrecting its tablet lineup soon, along with a
new 6-inch smart phone device, a smartwatch device and a new Firefox OS phone.

Just saying that new products are coming with no real details isn't of much help, but it's interesting to see an executive laying out a roadmap like this. Our best guess at the upcoming tablet is an 9.8-inch model named the V500, which has just passed through FCC certification. As for the specifics on LG's plans for a new phone even larger than the Optimus G Pro and a jump back into wearable tech, we'll have to keep waiting for more information to surface.

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