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August 21, 2013

Silly Things that Couples Commonly Fight About

'The trouble with living alone is that it's always your turn to do the dishes.' - Author Unknown

When you're single, the most common questions you ask yourself are "why am I single?", "is there something wrong with me?" and "why can't I find a partner?" However, when the initial months of dating and getting to know your new boyfriend or girlfriend have elapsed and your relationship finds that "comfortable groove", you may end up finding yourself taking a backseat and not trying as hard to be romantic and thoughtful anymore.

Vegging out in front of the TV day after day may become boring and monotonous to your partner, especially if you don't show how much you care as the relationship continues. Acting like a layabout who is continuously allergic to romance doesn't bode well in regards to the strength of your bond. Whilst weighty, life-changing discussions regarding finances, having children and spending your future together may guarantee a rollercoaster of emotional arguments, there are numerous things that may also abruptly bulldoze your domestic bliss and ensure the promise of a torrential dispute instead.

The following is a list of smaller and more trivial topics that may unfortunately start a spat with your partner:

1. Anything to do with going to sleep: Snoring, going to bed too early (or too late), how many times the snooze button gets hit in the morning, watching TV in bed, eating in bed, if the pets are allowed to sleep in the bed, etc.

2. A whole litany of household-related chores: Washing dishes, emptying the dishwasher, taking out the garbage, cleaning the bathroom, replacing the toilet paper and the cap on the tube of toothpaste, dirty clothes left on the floor, doing the laundry and/or the ironing, removing old food festering in the fridge, and the like.

3. A vast array of friend- and family-related dilemmas: How long their family members are allowed to visit, not wanting to hang out with your group of friends, not thinking your friend is good enough to date theirs, which family to spend Christmas, New Year's Eve and other holidays with, and so on.

There are also a couple of small issues that can grow exponentially into very serious quarrels.

Anything ex boyfriend- and ex girlfriend-related: Keeping in contact with an ex via Facebook, Twitter, text message or in person can produce a colossal amount of disputes. So can anything regarding you keeping gifts received from past partners. Jealousy and a lack of self-esteem are the obvious roots of this type of problem.

The upshot of all of this is that minor issues can become overly-inflated if given enough time and an insufficient amount of communication. Try to discuss small irritations before the get out of control, and nip them in the bud. Even if you don't think you'll be able to find an answer, it's always best to try

"Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure." - George Edward Woodberry

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