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September 12, 2013

Our Results Are Based On Our Perceptions

Nearly everyone claims that he wants to achieve to his potential, thus getting his desired results which he considers being a success. However, many of us often overlook the facts that we are the ones, that in the end result, are nearly always responsible for the results that occur. In fact, not only are our results based on our perceptions, but our perceptions are the first and primary determiner of our eventual results! Personal success means different things to different individuals, yet, regardless of what it means to each of us, it comes as a results of how we first conceive of ideas and attitudes, how we proceed to perceive of them, whether we actually believe (in our heart of hearts, not merely in our rhetoric), and then whether we propel ourselves forward by our persistence and perseverance which drives us to achieve. The second and closely related behavior
which determine results is whether we proceed with a positive, neutral or negative attitude, visualization and belief.

1. The reality of results is that they are most closely related to the adage which states that whatever our mind conceives of, is able to perceive and believe, we will achieve. There can almost never be truly successful results without first believing we will both achieve what we want to, and that we deserve to achieve. Our personal attitude and self - image determines our actual self - confidence, which generally is one of the dominant determinants of desirable results. Many speak of positive attitudes, but few maintain a consistent focus and actually feel that they deserve to achieve greatness. Only when we decide that we will positively control our mindset and attitude will we be able to move forward toward great personal achievements.

2. While many discuss visualizing and its impact, they often neglect to realize that visualization may be either positive, neutral or negative in nature. How we see things creates our belief set, and obviously, this can either be meaningful or debilitating. Imagine how challenging things become when someone feels a paralysis of analysis, because these create a focus on fears and reasons why one will fail, rather than on ways to succeed. Only when we focus on ways to proceed rather than on reasons why something is impossible, can we possibly achieve what we desire to see as our results.

What is your mindset when you face challenges, perceive of obstacles, or are confronted by other individuals? These perceptions generally determine your results.

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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