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October 03, 2013

How to Protect - Encrypt Confidential Messages

So do you want to send a confidential mail to any of your friend or boss or family member regarding anything really – 2 private but you think that anyone can steal that confidential matter from you so don’t get panic because we have an awesome way to encrypt your message and its like 123 really – 2 easy.

Encipher IT is an awesome online tool which provides encryption on the go, this online service provides amazing bookmarklet which when clicked can encrypt your message on the go. So now follow the below steps to see how it works.

Follow the below steps to see it in action .:

1. Visit and you will see page like below .:
How to Protect - Encrypt Confidential Messages
2. So you simply have to click and drag the Encipher It bookmark on that page to your Bookmark tab.
3. Now after you have done that you simply have to Encrypt your message like suppose your right a Email to your friend like below .:
How to Protect - Encrypt Confidential Messages
4. So now as you compose your email simply select the text you wanna encrypt and than click on the Encipher It Book which will open something like above dialog box, now enter the password or anything with which you wanna encrypt the message.
5. Now as soon as you encrypt the message you will see your message will be converted to something like below .:
How to Protect - Encrypt Confidential Messages
6. So now send the email to your friend and now if he wanna check the message he also have to select the whole message and than he has to click Encipher It bookmark which he should also have than he will get another dialog box saying Decrypt like below .:
How to Protect - Encrypt Confidential Messages
7. So now as soon as he puts the password you have set the password will become the normal one and he will be able to read that like below .:
How to Protect - Encrypt Confidential Messages
8. So now you get that how to encrypt any message on the go without any advanced knowledge. So in this way you can protect any confidential message from the strangers hand.

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