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October 04, 2013

How to Reset your Nokia C2-03 Mobile Phone

Sometimes phone stuck @ something as they loose control to their memory and they crash so what you can do @ that time well the thing all phones come with is the reset option which restores previous settings hence removing any malicious software or application. There are always two types of reset option with which phones come bundled, Soft Reset and Hard Reset.

1. Soft Reset .:

Soft Reset for C2-03 simply restores the .ini file from the ROM and it does not remove or uninstall any photos, videos or applications. You can Soft Reset your device by pressing some numeric keys all together or you can check the setting for the Reset Option. Combination Keys for Soft Resetting your device *#7780# so press this code in your phone and than hit the call button and than it will prompt you to soft reset your device.

2. Hard Reset .:

Hard Reset for C2-03 is also known as Total Reset and in this everything in your phone will be deleted and your phone will be restored to factory version, this is only recommended if you think your device is behaving abnormally, its slow and their some problem with camera or sound. Combination Keys for Hard Resetting your device *#7370# so press this code in your phone and than hit the call button and you will promoted to Hard Reset your device.

3. Warning .:

When resetting your device your device battery should be full or if you loose the device power when resetting your device may get crash and stop working so its really – 2 important.

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