How to Add Simple Slideshow of Featuted Posts with Description in Blogger Blog:
1. Go to the Dashboard of blogger.
2. Click on the Layout and Click on 'Add a gadget'.
3. Select the 'HTML/Javascript' gadget.
4. Now paste the code given below.
<div id='tc-slide'>
<marquee scrollamount="9" scrolldelay="75" width="200" height="200" bgcolor="#fff" direction="up" onmouseover="stop();" onmouseout="start();" >
<a href="LINK1" target="_blank"><img height="150" src="Image Link1" width="200" alt=""></a> <h4 align='center'><a href='Title Link1' target='_blank'>Title text 1</a></h4> <p align='center'>Your post description goes here...</p>
<a href="LINK2" target="_blank"><img height="150" src="Image Link2" width="200" alt=""></a> <h4 align='center'><a href='Title Link2' target='_blank'>Title text 2</a></h4> <p align='center'>Your post description goes here...</p>
<a href="LINK3" target="_blank"><img height="150" src="Image Link3" width="200" alt=""></a> <h4 align='center'><a href='Title Link3' target='_blank'>Title text 3</a></h4> <p align='center'>Your post description goes here...</p>
<a href="LINK4" target="_blank"><img height="150" src="Image Link4" width="200" alt=""></a> <h4 align='center'><a href='Title Link4' target='_blank'>Title text 4</a></h4> <p align='center'>Your post description goes here...</p>
<a href="LINK5" target="_blank"><img height="150" src="Image Link5" width="200" alt=""></a> <h4 align='center'><a href='Title Link5' target='_blank'>Title text 5</a></h4> <p align='center'>Your post description goes here...</p>
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