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September 02, 2013

How to Play Hard to Get

Is there a man in your life who you are interested in romantically but you're not sure how to get him to reciprocate those feelings? Do you feel that the "hard to get" game is just leaving you forgotten? A lot of women think that teasing a guy by not picking up the phone or ignoring him when they see him out is the proper way to play this game, but that can backfire quickly. Playing "hard to get" is a delicate balance, and if you do it wrong you could do irreparable harm to any chance you may have ever had with this guy!

There are some easy rules to "hard to get" that many women take way too seriously. Ignoring phone calls and waiting days to respond to e-mails, text messages or other communiques is NOT the right way to go about it. Nor is it the only aspect of the game. Picking and choosing when to answer his calls or messages is a more subtle and less aggressive way of mastering the "hard to get" game -- and it won't make him think you don't have time for him at all.

There is a big difference between "hard to get" and "will never get" and a guy will pick up on this quickly. If he feels that he can never, ever get ahold of you or pin you down for a date, he will quickly get bored and stop trying. Sure, men love the thrill of the chase, but even a cheetah will grow tired and give up if they're chasing a speeding truck.

A lot of women play "hard to get" emotionally, as well. By acting uninterested and aloof, these women are actually sending the wrong message. It might be an interesting challenge for him at first, but he will soon grow weary of trying to be good enough for you to pay attention to him. Keep this in mind... you don't have to dote on his every word (and you shouldn't), but you aren't blowing your chances by having a normal conversation with the guy. After all, you want to get to know him eventually, don't you?

"Hard to get" is a game based in subtlety and spontaneousness. Let some phone calls go, answer some. Pay attention to him sometimes and go about your business when you have to. There are no hard-and-fast rules to make "hard to get" work for your situation; take each move as it comes.

To find out more about how to get male attention, click Signs He Wants You. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.

Hannah Fairfield is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

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