The male-power-arrogance-stories just keep on coming.
Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner are just the latest variations on a theme.
In California, eight women have come forward with increasingly explicit allegations of sexual harassment by the mayor. Last Friday, Mr. Filner faced the cameras to explain his side.
He offered the by-now-oh-so-familiar narrative of the embattled leader: A carefully crafted statement of contrition. A desire to change. A willingness to go to rehab.
And a fierce commitment to hold on to power.
Anthony Weiner, now a candidate for mayor in New York City, is also vowing to stay in the race.
As I watched Mr. Filner’s press conference, I didn’t see a hint of emotion. I saw no relationship between the pretty words Mr. Filner read and his public demeanor. I saw, instead, someone who is cold, calculating, and defiant. Much like Anthony Weiner’s demeanor in his newly released campaign video.
That is male-power-arrogance writ large.
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